The adressbook

dr Marek Angowski

E-mail address
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Marek Angowski
Friday 11.00 - 12.30 (MsTeams)
Thursday 11.00 - 12.30 (room 719, Faculty of Economics)

Contact by: MS TEAMS kod: p4zcdus or by e-mail

Personal information

Marek Angowski (PhD) works at the Department of Microeconomics and Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin.

A graduate of The Economic Faculty in UMCS Lublin. He also obtained a PhD in Economics at the Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

Within TEMPUS program he pursued a traineeship at University in Florence. Participant of ERASMUS program and within the framework of which  he delivered the lectures in the scope of rural areas development in Slovakia (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra), Lithuania (Aleksandras Stulginskis University of Kaunas), Italy (University of Padua).

Within Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility Program, Visiting Scholar he delivered the lectures concerning Market Research and Analysis, Project Cycle Management, Management of Rural Areas Development  at Aleksandras Stulginskis University of Kaunas in Lithuania. Participant of International Week (Erasmus+) at Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic)

As far as research-didactic activity  concerned his interests encompass  marketing and management problems in enterprises of agribusiness sector, research  and analysis of food market consumers  behaviors as well as entrepreneurship  development on rural areas.

He combines  his didactic activity with practice through cooperation with territorial self-government (making expert opinions) as well as conducting trainings within entrepreneurship supporting. He is an author of over 50 science publications (also in English), expert opinions as well as research and scientific studies. Participant of many conferences both domestic and international within competitiveness and management in agribusiness, marketing and consumers behaviors.

The member of Agriculture and Agribusiness Economists Association, Polish Scientific Society of Marketing, Polish Economic Society (Lublin Division) and Eurasia Business and Economics Society.