The Department is equipped with numerous high quality scientific instruments. The list of the most important ones includes:
- LC-MS LCQ (Finnigan) - high pressure liquid chromatograph hyphenated with mass spectrometer,
- GC-MS (Shimadzu) - gas chromatograph hyphenated with mass spectrometer,
- DX-100 (Dionex) - high performance ion chromatograph (two instruments),
- Polaris 211 (Varian) - high pressure liquid chromatograph (two instruments),
- ASE 200 (Dionex) - accelerated solvent extractor,
- GC-2010AF (Shimadzu) - gas chromatograph equipped with autosampler,
- Linomat5 (CAMAG) - TLC sample applicator,
- UV-1800 (Shimadzu) - UV-Vis spectrophotometer,
- Helios Gamma (ThermoSpectronic) - UV-Vis spectrophotometer,
- Derivatograph C (MOM, Budapeszt) - derivatograph (two instruments),
- Nano 2000 (Plazmatronika) - microwave reactor,
- PYRIS Diamond (PerkinElmer) - differential scanning calorimeter,
- 716DMS (Metrohm) - automatic titrator.
Na wyposażeniu zakładu znajdują się także:
There are also:
- four gradient high pressure liquid chromatographs equipped with PDA, UV-Vis end RI detectors (Gilson),
- two gas chromatographs (Finnigan, Carlo Erba),
- 3 D (Hewlett-Packard) - capillary electrophoresis system.