Entertainment Media and Politics | spotkanie

Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych UMCS zaprasza studentów, doktorantów i pracowników na spotkanie zatytułowane "Entertainment Media and Politics", w którym udział wezmą zagraniczni goście z USA: prof. Stephen J. Farnsworth i prof. Philip Habel (biogramy poniżej). Podczas swoich prezentacji mówcy będą poruszać takie zagadnienia jak związki polityki z rozrywką, mediami, grami komputerowymi itp.

Termin: 23 maja (czwartek), godz. 13:00

Miejsce: aula A.1.08, Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarstwa UMCS (ul. Głęboka 45, Lublin)

Kontakt w sprawie spotkania: jakub.wolyniec@umcs.pl

Spotkanie jest współorganizowane przez American Corner UMCS Education & Business Center.

Biogramy prelegentów:

prof. Stephen J. Farnsworth
Director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies
University of Mary Washington
Stephen Farnsworth is professor of Political Science and director of the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies and  co-author of a new book, Late-Night in Washington: Political Humor and the American Presidency, recently published by Routledge. So far, he has been the author or co-author of nine books on the presidency, the mass media, and disinformation. Stephen worked for ten years as a daily newspaper journalist before becoming a professor, and has lectured widely on the news media, the presidency, and elections to U.S. and international audiences. In addition, he has led government-funded reporter training programs in the Philippines, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia, Armenia, and Estonia. Stephen is a Fulbright US Scholar, currently teaching about U.S. presidential communication at the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw.

prof. Philip Habel
Chair of the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice
University of South Alabama
Philip Habel is Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science & Criminal Justice at the University of South Alabama, and during his 2023-24 sabbatical period, he is U.S. Fulbright Distinguished Scholar and appointed University Professor at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. Professor Habel has published research in political communication and public opinion, computational social science, research methods, and other fields. His current projects include the relationship between media consumption and conspiracy beliefs, and explorations of political images in digital games.

źródło: Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarswta UMCS

    Wszystkie aktualności

    Data dodania
    20 maja 2024