The Vibes of UMCS - odc. 2

Zapraszamy do obejrzenia drugiego odcinka nowego, anglojęzycznego programu „The Vibes of UMCS”! Tym razem Ellen z Gruzji i Kola z Nigerii opowiedzą o Drzwiach Otwartych UMCS, które odbędą się 6 marca br.

The Vibes of UMCS powstaje we współpracy z Akademickim Radiem Centrum i Centrum Promocji UMCS w ramach projektu: UMCS Through International Eyes. Projekt finansowany jest przez Narodową Agencję Wymiany Akademickiej w ramach Programu Welcome to Poland. Zapraszamy!

In today’s episode our hosts: Ellen from Georgia and Kola from Nigeria share the program of Open Days of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. You will find out about what to expect, what are the locations and what attractions has the University prepared for students and most importantly why you should choose UMCS based on their experience. Mark 6th of March in your calendar as that day is approaching rapidly, and it is one of the largest events directed to candidates for studies. Open Days of UMCS:,17,open-days-umcs,86990.chtm

Stay tuned for more and don’t forget to spread the good vibes all day every day! The project is financed by the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange.

    The Vibes of UMCS

    Data dodania
    28 lutego 2020