Jednostki i pracownicy - książka adresowa

dr Marta Chodkiewicz-Nalepa


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O sobie

Jestem adiunktem w Katedrze Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, gdzie prowadzę zajęcia z przekładu. Moje badania koncentrują się głównie na procesie tłumaczenia, kompetencji tłumaczeniowej i jej rozwijaniu oraz optymalizacji kształcenia tłumaczy.

I am an assistant professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland, where I teach translation. My research interests include translation competence and its acquisition, the empirical investigation of translation processes, and the optimisation of translator education, in particular through the use of process-oriented methods, collaborative learning scenarios, and modernised assessment practices.

Działalność naukowa

Wykaz publikacji

  1. Chodkiewicz-Nalepa, M. 2024. „How do trainee translators mobilise internal and external support in L1 and L2 translation processes?”, [w:]  Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio FF – Philologiae, 42(2), s. 211-229.
  2. Chodkiewicz-Nalepa, M. 2024. „The evolution of students’ ability to identify and solve different types of translation problems: Insights from a longitudinal process and product study”, [w:] Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 48(3), s. 77-88.
  3. Chodkiewicz, M. 2021. „Changes in undergraduate students’ conceptual knowledge of translation during the first years of translation/interpreting- and foreign language-related education,” [w:] Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 29(3). s. 371-390.
  4. Chodkiewicz, M. 2020. Understanding the Development of Translation Competence. Łódź Studies in Language 67. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  5. Chodkiewicz M. (2018). „How successful are undergraduate students in revising and justifying different types of translation decisions in response to instructor feedback?”, [w:] Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, R. 24(2018), nr 4 (42), s. 53-73.
  6. Chodkiewicz M. (2016). „Simulating communication with the client in a general translation course”, [w:] Linguistica Silesiana, 37, s. 379-394.
  7. Chodkiewicz, M. (2016). „What types of errors do undergraduate students make depending on directionality?”, [w:] red. Ł. Bogucki, B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk i M. Thelen, Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 2, s. 191-208. Frankfurt nad Menem: Peter Lang.
  8. Chodkiewicz, M. (2015). „Undergraduate students’ use of external sources in revising and justifying their translation decisions based on instructor feedback”, [w:] Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 39 (2), s. 124-141.
  9. Chodkiewicz M. (2014) „Addressing the challenges of designing a general translation course for undergraduate students”, [w:] red. M. Piotrowska i S. Tyupa, Intralinea 16, Special Issue, Challenges in Translation Pedagogy,
  10. Chodkiewicz M. (2014). „Student perceptions of the usefulness and effectiveness of a basic course in translation simulating working with a client”, [w:] red. K. Uzule, Multidimensional Translation: From Science to Arts, s. 244-254. Ryga: Baltic International Academy.
  11. Chodkiewicz M. (2012). „The EMT framework of reference for competences applied to translation: perceptions by professional and student translators”, The Journal of Specialised Translation, 17a, s. 37-54 (
  12. Chodkiewicz M. (2011). „Jednego zatrzymuje z trzech|Sędziwy dziad-marynarz” – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuela Taylora Coleridge’a w polskich przekładach, „Annales” UMCS, Sectio FF, t. XXIX, Lublin, s. 25-43.

Listę publikacji można także znaleźć na następujących stronach: (tylko najnowsze publikacje).


  1. Chodkiewicz-Nalepa, M. (2024). „How do trainee translators mobilise internal and external support in L1 and L2 translation processes?”, Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio FF – Philologiae, 42(2), pp. 211-229.
  2. Chodkiewicz-Nalepa, M. (2024). „The evolution of students’ ability to identify and solve different types of translation problems: Insights from a longitudinal process and product study”, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 48(3), pp. 77-88.
  3. Chodkiewicz, M. 2021. „Changes in undergraduate students’ conceptual knowledge of translation during the first years of translation/interpreting- and foreign language-related education,” Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 29(3), pp. 371-390.
  4. Chodkiewicz, M. 2020. Understanding the Development of Translation Competence. Łódź Studies in Language 67. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  5. Chodkiewicz M. (2018). „How successful are undergraduate students in revising and justifying different types of translation decisions in response to instructor feedback?”, Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 24(2018), 4 (42), pp. 53-73.
  6. Chodkiewicz M. (2016). „Simulating communication with the client in a general translation course”, [in:] Linguistica Silesiana, 37, pp. 379-394.
  7. Chodkiewicz, M. (2016). „What types of errors do undergraduate students make depending on directionality?”, [in:] Ł. Bogucki, B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and M. Thelen (eds), Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 2, pp. 191-208. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  8. Chodkiewicz, M. (2015). „Undergraduate students’ use of external sources in revising and justifying their translation decisions based on instructor feedback”, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 39 (2), pp. 124-141.
  9. Chodkiewicz M. (2014) „Addressing the challenges of designing a general translation course for undergraduate students”, [in:]  M. Piotrowska and S. Tyupa (eds), Intralinea 16, Special Issue, Challenges in Translation Pedagogy.
  10. Chodkiewicz M. (2014). „Student perceptions of the usefulness and effectiveness of a basic course in translation simulating working with a client”, [in:] K. Uzule (ed.), Multidimensional Translation: From Science to Arts, pp. 244-254. Riga: Baltic International Academy.
  11. Chodkiewicz M. (2012). „The EMT framework of reference for competences applied to translation: perceptions by professional and student translators”, The Journal of Specialised Translation, 17a, pp. 37-54.
  12. Chodkiewicz M. (2011). „Jednego zatrzymuje z trzech|Sędziwy dziad-marynarz” – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuela Taylora Coleridge’a w polskich przekładach, Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio FF – Philologiae, 29 (1), pp. 25-43.

A list of my publications can also be found on the following pages:  (only most recent publications).