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Historia formacji policyjnych - kryminologia stacjonarna 1 rok I stopnia: ćwiczenia
grupa 1
nr 1: 8 październik
nr 2: 22 październik
nr 3: 5 listopad
nr 4: 19 listopad
nr 5: 3 grudnia
nr 6: 17 grudnia
nr 7: 14 stycznia
nr 8: zaliczenie 28 stycznia
grupa 2
nr 1: 15 październik
nr 2: 29 październik
nr 3: 12 listopad
nr 4: 26 listopad
nr 5: 10 grudnia
nr 6: 7 stycznia
nr 7: 21 stycznia
nr 8: zaliczenie 28 stycznia
grupa 3
nr 1: 8 październik
nr 2: 22 październik
nr 3: 5 listopad
nr 4: 19 listopad
nr 5: 3 grudnia
nr 6: 17 grudnia
nr 7: 14 stycznia
nr 8: zaliczenie 28 stycznia
grupa 4
nr 1: 15 październik
nr 2: 29 październik
nr 3: 12 listopad
nr 4: 26 listopad
nr 5: 10 grudnia
nr 6: 7 stycznia
nr 7: 21 stycznia
nr 8: zaliczenie 28 stycznia
Karol Dabrowski Ph.D.
Faculty of Law and Administration
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
Pl. M.C. Sklodowskiej 5
20-031 Lublin (Poland)
In my research I combine the themes of administration, economy, history, law, security and sociology. I'm interested in the changes of the social structures, administrative systems and legal institutions in the historical perspective. Primarily I work with the archival sources about the history of the chambers of trade and industry, agricultural and craft chambers, especially during the Second World War. The PhD thesis concerned the Chamber of Industry and Trade in Lublin, 1944-1950. In my work I researched a lot of the archival sources in Archiwum Akt Nowych in Warsaw, State Archives in: Częstochowa, Lublin (and in branches in Chełm, Kraśnik, Radzyń Podlaski), Katowice (and in branches in Bielsko-Biała, Cieszyn, Pszczyna), Kielce (in branch in Sandomierz), Krakow (in branches in Bochnia, Nowy Sącz, Spytkowice, Tarnów), Piotrków Trybunalski (in branch in Tomaszów Mazowiecki), Przemyśl, Rzeszów, Siedlce, Warsaw (in branches in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Łowicz, Otwock), Wrocław (and in branch in Jelenia Góra) and Zamość. The analysis of primary and secondary sources concerning the General Government - not only occupation authorities, but banks, co-operatives, enterprises, local government - allows a better understanding of the Nazi System and the role of economics during the war.
I published articles and book reviews in Polish, Afghan (Ghalib: International Journal of Law, Political Science and International Relations), Bosnian (Društvene i humanističke studije), Bulgarian (Публични политики.bg), Croatian (Društvena istraživanja), Czech (Auspicia, Právnické listy), Lithuanian (Darnios aplinkos vystymas), Serbian (Teme: Journal of Social Sciences), Slovak (Clovek a spolocnost'), Spain (Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies), Ukrainian (Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу) and international (Journal on European History of Law) scientific journals.
International conferences, prizes, projects and research stays
* 2012 May-June: Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University
* 2014 September: University of Wrocław - Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy - Zakład Powszechnej Historii Państwa i Prawa
* 2015 June: with Tomasz Dąbrowski, Polish National Cooperative Council Prize for series of scientific articles
* 2015 September: VIII. Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum: "Justiz und Gesellschaft zwischen Privatsphäre und Öffentlichkeit", Nicolaus Copernicus University
* 2016 September-October: Max-Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
* 2017 May: Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung in Kehl am Rhein
* 2017 October: UMCS Rector's Prize for the organizational activities
* 2017 November: International Conference "Miasta Galicji w dobie przemian polityczno-ustrojowych w latach 1772–1867: przestrzeń – społeczeństwo – władza", Jagiellonian University - Institute of History
* 2018 February: German Federal Archive Berlin
* 2018 April: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe
* 2018 May: IX. Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum "Recht und Wirtschaft in Stadt und Land", University of Tartu
* 2019 January - July 2022: Project Mobilność 35+, DIALOG Program, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (co-author of the application and co-investigator)
* 2019 April: University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Law and Administration
* 2019 June-July: University of Göttingen, Faculty of Law
* 2019 October: UMCS Rector's Prize for the scientific activities
* 2019 December: German National Library, Leipzig University Library (Albertina, Law), State Archive in Leipzig
* 2020 November: International Conference "The Hope of Legal Science 2020 Legal Science in Practice”, University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Law, Plzeň
* 2021 September - December: Free University of Berlin
* 2021 November: International Conference “The Hope of Legal Science 2021 Legal Science in Practice”, University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Law, Plzeň
* 2022 April: Land Acquisition and Transfer in the Polish-Soviet Territorial Exchange. In: Gray K.W. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Territorial Rights. Springer
* 2022 June: International Conference “Stát a právo v běhu času 2022", University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Law, Plzeň
* 2022 June-July: University of Konstanz, Department of Law
* 2022 July-2023 July: Project "Aryanization" of the self-regulatory organisations in the Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz during World War II, Miniatura-6, Nr DEC-2022/06/X/HS5/00147, Polish National Science Centre,
* 2022 October: UMCS Rector's Prize for the organizational activities
* 2022 November: International Conference “Hope of Legal Science: Legal Science in Practice", University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Law, Plzeň, Czechia
* 2023 March: International Conference "Education, Administration, and Self-Government in Crisis Years”, Jan Zamoyski College of Humanities and Economics in Zamość and Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií České Budějovice, Zamość, Poland
* 2023 May: Second Central and Eastern European Legal History Conference Present and Past: "Legal History as a Master of Law in Action", Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
* 2024 May: 4th International Scientific Conference „Challanges to Modern Law: An International Perspective”, Kazimieras Simonavicius University, Institute of Law and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania
* 2024 May - 2027: member of the grants team (co-investigator): Wieś w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie w dokumentach administracji gminnej (1939-1945) - opracowanie materiałów źródłowych, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Institute of History
* 2024 August: Book-review F. Matheis: Hanseaten im »Osteinsatz« for H-Soz-Kult - reputable website of German historians
* 2024 November: Chambers of Commerce – 3rd International Conference, „Looking to the future from an interdisciplinary social sciences perspective”, member of scientific comittee
Personal, political and social activity
* 2020 Mai and Juni: Member of the 30. District Electoral Commission in Lublin
* 2020 August: Secretary of the Polska 2050 Association in Lublin Region
* 2023 Februar: Vice-chairman of the Council of Węglin Północny District in Lublin
* 2023 October: Vice-chairman of the 41. District Electoral Commission in Lublin
* 2024 April: Chairman of the 40. District Electoral Commission in Lublin
* 2024 April: Scrutineer of the 3. District Electoral Commission in Jawidz
* 2024 August: Advisor of the 1. Lublin Vice-Voievod