Spotkanie z Jenną Przybysz (Uniwersytet Stanforda)

Zapraszamy na wykład zatytułowany „Cultural Institutions in Cross-cultural Exchanges and Reception of Black Music in Poland” [Instytucje kultury: wymiana międzykulturowa i recepcja Czarnej muzyki w Polsce], który wygłosi Jenna Przybysz, etnomuzykolożka i doktorantka z Uniwersytetu Stanforda.

Wykład odbędzie się w języku angielskim. Wydarzenie organizują i poprowadzą dr Edyta Frelik (Katedra Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki) i dr Bartosz Wójcik (Katedra Lingwistyki Stosowanej).

KIEDY: 26.11.2024, godz. 13:15

GDZIE: Sala Obrad Rady Wydziału (nr 9), Wydział Filologiczny UMCS, Instytut Językoznawstwa i Literaturoznawstwa

Feel invited to a lecture by Jenna Przybysz, ethnomusicologist and PhD candidate at Stanford University

Cultural Institutions in Cross-cultural Exchanges

and Reception of Black Music in Poland

26 November 2024

1:15 pm CET

Faculty Council Meeting Room
Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (Main Building)
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Lublin, Poland

Organised and hosted by Dr Edyta Frelik (American Studies) and Dr Bartosz Wójcik (Applied Linguistics).

Jenna Przybysz is a PhD Candidate in Ethnomusicology at Stanford University and received her M.A. in the Humanities from the University of Chicago and a B.M. in Jazz Studies from DePaul University. Her current research focuses on moments of encounter and collaboration between Polish and Black-identifying musicians of Black diasporic musics, and examines how music and sound produce different social, political, and racial meanings for individuals and communities of listeners. Currently, she is a Fulbright-Hays DDRA fellow and conducting fieldwork and archival research in Gdańsk, Warsaw, and Poznań. Prior to her doctoral degree, Jenna was an active saxophonist on the Chicago music scene and continues to perform throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

In this talk, she will share preliminary findings of her dissertation research through a discussion of the Made in Chicago Festival (2005-2017), a collaboration that lasted for a dozen years between Lauren Deutsch, former Executive Director of the Jazz Institute of Chicago, and the late Wojciech Juszczak, former Artistic Director of Estrada Poznańska. By contextualizing the Made in Chicago Festival in larger histories of jazz and creative music in Poland, she will discuss themes such as the role that cultural institutions play in cross-cultural exchanges as well as the reception of Black Music in Poland. 

More information:

źródło: Wydział Filologiczny UMCS

    Nauki humanistyczne i sztuka

    Data dodania
    20 listopada 2024