'Polish Hollywood' Concert and Fulbright Scholarship presentation

On January 11th, the inaugural event organized by American Corner UMCS Business and Education Center took place at the Academic Culture and Media Center "Chatka Żaka."

The esteemed presence of His Magnificence, the Rector of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Prof. Dr Hab. @radosław Dobrowolski Radosław Dobrowolski, the Vice-Rector for Development and Business Cooperation, Dr Hab. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Professor at UMCS, the Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation, Prof. Dr Hab. Wiesław Gruszecki, and the Vice-Rector for Students and Education Quality, Prof. Dr Hab. Dorota Kołodyńska, brought great joy to the occasion.
The event featured a presentation by Aleksandra Braumańska about  Fulbright Poland and gave some tips on the application process. Also presenting were Fulbright scholars and ambassadors Dr. Agata Stronciwilk and Dr. Arek Bednarz. Dr. Andrzej Ślązak and Dr. Mateusz Strzelecki performed a concert of film music by Polish composers.
Following the concert, a reception was held in the foyer adjacent to the auditorium, giving attendees a chance to meet with guests and make new friends.
Andrzej Ślązak, a pianist and professor at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, has dedicated many years to serving as the director of the Institute of Music. His artistic endeavors focus on rediscovering, reconstructing, and reintroducing forgotten works of Polish music that were either destroyed or intentionally concealed due to various wartime and historical upheavals. As a Fulbright Senior Award recipient, he spent six months at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles) exploring the Polish "roots" of Hollywood.
Mateusz Strzelecki received a nomination for the Polish-American Fulbright scholarship for the 2019/2020 academic year to continue his research on the works of Polish emigrant composers, primarily Karol Rathaus, in New York. A graduate with honors from the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, he has performed in renowned venues such as the National Philharmonic in Warsaw, Berliner Philharmonie, Konzerthaus Berlin, Suntory Hall Tokyo, Beijing Concert Hall, Art Theatre Shanghai, and the Concert Hall of the United Nations Palace in Geneva.
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    Renata Gogol
    Date of addition
    12 January 2024