Visit to Gannon University

From April 15 to April 19, 2024, Prof. Paweł Pasierbiak visited Gannon University (Erie, United States). This was another opportunity to develop educational and scientific cooperation between the Faculty of Economics at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) and the Dahlkemper School of Business at Gannon University (GU).

During the classes he conducted, Prof. Pasierbiak introduced students to issues related to the transformation of economic systems. Using the example of the Polish economy, he demonstrated its evolution and successful transition from a centrally planned to a market economy. The classes were met with considerable interest from the students.

During his stay, Prof. P. Pasierbiak also had a series of meetings with representatives from Gannon University. His interlocutors included Dr. Sarah Ewing (Provost), Dr. Karinna Vernaza (Dean, College of Engineering and Business), Paige Leary (Assistant Director, Global Learning), Father Shane Mathew (Associate Vice President, University Mission and Ministry), Dr. Philip Szmedra (Associate Professor, Dahlkemper School of Business), and Dr. Joe Kuvshinikov (Associate Professor, Dahlkemper School of Business). The discussions focused on continuing and expanding cooperation between Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and Gannon University.

The visit to Gannon University was made possible thanks to the financial support provided under the Erasmus+ KA171 program. Both universities (UMCS and GU) from sister cities (Lublin is a twin city of Erie) have been actively engaged in educational and scientific cooperation for several years. Dr. Jinhee Yoo (GU) will visit the Faculty of Economics in May, followed by Dr. Bruce Kibler in June.


    Monika Wojtas
    Date of addition
    4 May 2024