AIB US-SE conference in Atlanta

From 26 to 28 October, the Chair's staff - Paweł Pasierbiak, PhD, and Monika Wojtas, PhD - participated in a scientific conference organised by the Academy of International Business in Atlanta (USA).

The theme of the conference was the impact of technological change on social connectedness and global collaboration. This year's edition of the regular conference was hosted by Georgia State University's Robinson College of Business, CIBER, and Georgia Institute of Technology, Scheller College of Business, CIBER.

The conference brought together a number of renowned international business scholars. Keynote lectures were delivered by Professor Peter Buckley of Manchester Business School (UK) and Jessica Cork - Vice President of YKK Corporation of America.

In addition to the traditional panels with presentations of the participants' research results, the conference also featured numerous workshops and discussions, e.g. on the functioning of business in changing conditions and the exchange of teaching experiences.


    Monika Wojtas
    Date of addition
    15 November 2023