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We are pleased to inform that there is a possibility to publish scientific articles in a special volume "Modern Geomorphic Processes: From Source to Sink and From Survey to Models" planned for Open Journal Frontiers in Earth Science in section Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Paleoenvironment. One of the thematic editors of the above-mentioned volume is Dr hab. Waldemar Kociuba, Prof. UMCS (Department of Geology, Soil Science and Geoinformation, UMCS). Climate change affects the magnitude and frequency of rapid hydrological and meteorological processes over all Earth’s morphoclimatic zones. These globally observed phenomena increase the dynamics of geomorphic processes, as well as - in many cases – change the long-term trends of landform evolution. They are also responsible for the increase in recorded natural disasters (e.g., floods, debris flows, mudflows, landslides), and in the longer term they can trigger changes that can affect societies in terms of infrastructure relocation, resettlement, and migration. In this context, one of the main research challenges for Geomorphologists and Earth Scientists is the earliest recognition and monitoring of hydrological and meteorological events that can trigger geomorphological processes, and their short- and long-term consequences on the landscape. An increase in the frequency of above-average hydro-meteorological events and their consequences such as floods or mass movements of increased magnitude or frequency are recorded both in the Temperate Zone and the High-Arctic where they have rarely been observed before. On the other hand, intense rainfall events affect geomorphic processes in the Dry Zone. The proposed Research Topic entitled Modern Geomorphic Processes: From Source to Sink and From Survey to Models' is addressed to a wide group of specialists from various disciplines, both environmental researchers (geologists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists, geographers, geomorphologists, soil scientists) and specialists dealing with the consequences on society (planners, human geographers, anthropologists, etc.). We invite you to publish the result of your work in this field describing contemporary changes of landforms, detection and monitoring of geomorphic processes and their consequences, but also applicability of novelties in the methodology of these studies, using direct and remote sensing surveys. An important aspect is also the impact of these events on infrastructure, urbanized areas or local communities. Open Journal Frontiers in Earth Science - section Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Paleoenvironment, is pleased to announce that we have begun publication of a new Research Topic entitled 'Modern Geomorphic Processes: From Source to Sink and From Survey to Models'. Our team (Ana, Luca and Waldemar) serve the role of Guest Editors for this issue. Given your deep knowledge of this field, we would like to call you to prepare an article for this Research Topic. Open Journal Frontiers in Earth Science is one of the leading journals focusing on the results of research on environmental change of our planet. The journal is indexed in Web of Science and Scopus databases (Impact Factor 2.689; CiteScore of 3.3). In the scoring list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 9, 2021, the journal "Frontiers in Earth Science 2296-6463" (line 6833) has 100 points. For more information about this issue, please see the attached brief topic description and the special issue website available at: Proposed abstract of an article can be submitted from now until August 27, 2021, and full papers (after abstract acceptance) can be submitted until December 17, 2021. Submitted papers should not be considered for publication in another journal. We hope that you will favourably receive this call. Sincerely, Guest Editors, Ana, Luca and Waldemar Topic Editors: