Gully erosion in a global perspective (Earth-Science Reviews)

We are pleased to announce another co-authored publication of Prof. Dr. Wojciech Zgłobicki and Prof. Dr. Jean Poesen (Department of Geology, Soil Science and Geoinformation UMCS) published in the prestigious journal Earth-Science Reviews. Research on gully erosion processes has been carried out at our University for over 50 years and thanks to the cooperation with Prof. Poesen, a leading researcher in this field in the world, it was possible to include their results in a review publication, which will serve as a reference for those working on this issue.

Vanmaercke, M., Panagos, P., Vanwalleghem, T., Hayas, A., Foerster, S., Borrelli, P., Rossi, M., Torri, D., Casali, J., Borselli, L., Vigiak, O., Maerker, M., Haregeweyn, N., De Geeter, S., Zgłobicki, W., Bielders, C., Cerdà, A., Conoscenti, C., de Figueiredo, T., … Poesen, J., 2021. Measuring, modelling and managing gully erosion at large scales: A state of the art. Earth-Science Reviews, 103637.

Based on a review of >590 scientific articles and policy documents, we provide a state-of-the-art on our ability to monitor, model and manage gully erosion at regional to continental scales. In this review we discuss the relevance and need of assessing gully erosion at regional to continental scales (Section 1); current methods to monitor gully erosion as well as pitfalls and opportunities to apply them at larger scales (section 2); field-based gully erosion research conducted in Europe and European Russia (section 3); model approaches to simulate gully erosion and its contribution to catchment sediment yields at large scales (section 4); data products that can be used for such simulations (section 5); and currently existing policy tools and needs to address the problem of gully erosion (section 6). Section 7 formulates a series of recommendations for further research and policy development, based on this review. While several of these sections have a strong focus on Europe, most of our findings and recommendations are of global significance.


Publications list of Institute staff


    Date of addition
    25 April 2021