
The Ordinance of the Rector of November 29, 2021, on conducting and organising course credits and examinations

The Ordinance of the Rector
of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
no. 102/2021

of November 29, 2021

on conducting and organising course credits and examinations

with the use of Information Technology tools


Pursuant to Article 23, section 1 of the Act of July 20, 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478 as amended) and Article 23 section 5 of the Study Regulations of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University it is ordered as follows:


General provisions

§ 1

1. The Dean of the Faculty shall decide on conducting and organising course credits and examinations with the use of Information Technology tools (hereinafter referred to as “remotely”).

2. The list of the courses which shall be ended with the course credits or examinations conducted remotely together with the information concerning the form of conducting them as well as the choice of IT tools for conducting them shall be announced by the Dean of the Faculty no later than seven days before the beginning of the examination session or the date of the course credit/examination if it is conducted before the examination session.

3. The participation in the course credit or examination using IT shall be tantamount to agreeing to the possible option of recording its process with the participation of the student and the examiner or lecturer conducting the course credit. Only the examiner or lecturer conducting the course credit shall have the right to register the course credit or examination.

4. The student taking course credit or examination is obliged to present a student ID (covering the PESEL number) at the request of the examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit.

5. It shall be possible for the examiner or lecturer conducting the course credit to invite additional persons to support the control of students’ independent work during the examination or course credit. These persons may have access to the images from students’ cameras.

6. The student taking course credit or examination remotely, using IT shall be obliged to have access to a computer or other device equipped with a microphone and a camera, allowing for real-time two-way audio and video communication, connected to the Internet, and shall have access to the IT tool as well as he/she shall have the knowledge of using this tool subject to §2.

7. At the request of the examiner or lecturer conducting the course credit, the student who is taking the course credit or examination shall be obliged to facilitate, by using a camera in his/her device, the room where he/she shall be during the course credit or examination subject to §2.

8. The principles determined in the present ordinance shall not apply during consultation with the student or current verification of student’s learning outcomes conducted during classes.


Course credits or examinations conducted remotely
§ 2

1. Course credits or examinations conducted remotely may take written or oral form, synchronous or asynchronous one, depending on the nature and the content of learning outcomes that shall be liable to the verification.

2. Remote course credits or examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the following principles:

1) one form of the course credit or examination shall be applied in a given course during the exam session

2) the form of the course credit or examination shall:

a) enable the verification of anticipated learning outcomes;

b) correspond or be as close as possible to the form given in the syllabus of the course;

c) minimise the risk of dependent passing the examination/course credit or the use of unauthorized aids.

3. For justified reasons, the Dean may decide on more than one form of the course credit or examination from the particular course as well as modify the form proposed by the lecturer.

4. The examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit shall be obliged to archive in the selected form course credit/examination works of the students in order to assess the quality of education.


§ 3

1. The process of the course credit or examination conducted remotely in the oral form may be recorded in the form of video and audio recording. The quality of the recording should enable checking the process of the course credit or examination.

2. Only the examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit may record the course credit or examination, being responsible for protecting the recording against damage. The recording can be made available only to the Dean of the Faculty.

3. The examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit shall remove the recording immediately after 14 days from the date of the course credit or examination. The examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit shall be obliged to archive, in any form, the list of examined students on a given day and the content of questions asked to him/her in order to assess the quality of education.


§ 4

If during the examination or the course credit conducted remotely in the oral form the connection with
the student is broken, the examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit may:

1) reconnect and continue the examination or the course credit whereby such an attempt shall
be made up to three times in a 15-minute period;

2) finish the examination or the course credit and award the grade based on the student’s
previous answers;

3) repeat the examination or the course credit the same day after reconnecting with the


§ 5

If during the examination or the course credit conducted remotely in the written form the connection with the student is broken, the examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit may:

1) reconnect and continue the examination or the course credit;

2) finish the examination or the course credit and award the grade based on the student’s previous answers;

3) repeat the examination or the course credit the same day after reconnecting with the student.


IT tools

§ 6

1. The IT tool used in conducting the examination or the course credit conducted remotely must provide:

1) the possibility to control the process of the examination or the course credit and its recording;

2) data security, including the personal data protection required by law for the examiner or the lecturer conducting the course credit and students.

2. In order to conduct the examination or the course credit remotely following platforms shall be particularly used:

1) tools available as part of the University e-learning platform “Virtual Campus of UMCS”;

2) the Teams application within the framework of a University license Microsoft Office 365.

3. The Dean may stand to the Vice-rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education with the application for the use of an IT tool other than those mentioned in the item 2, providing that this IT tool shall obtain a positive opinion of Lubman UMCS.


Final provisions

§ 7

In matters not included in the present ordinance, the provisions of the Study Regulations of the Maria Curie - Skłodowska University in Lublin constituting an attachment to RESOLUTION No. XXIV - 26.5/19 of the Senate of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin of April 24, 2019 regarding study regulations shall apply.


§ 8

The ordinance shall become effective on the day of signature.



 prof. dr hab. Radosław Dobrowolski





    Patrycja Kwiatkowska
    Date of addition
    10 December 2021