
Pre-academic year preparatory course of Polish for international students

Pre-academic year preparatory course of Polish for international students

A one-month Polish language course is a preparatory course for newly admitted international students who will commence their studies in the academic year 2016/2017.

The course starts 5th September 2016 with an organizational meeting held at 36B lecture hall at the Faculty of Humanities. At the end of the meeting course participants will take a placement test to assess their level of Polish and place them into groups corresponding to their level of language skills.

The goal of the course is to help students develop or improve their command of Polish in order to ensure that they can complete their studies successfully.

The pre-academic year course is offered by The Polish Language and Culture Centre for Polish People from Abroad and Foreigners.


    Ewa Zdunek
    Date of addition
    4 September 2016