
III round of applying for on-campus accommodation for the academic year 2024/2025

The procedure of applying for on-campus accommodation for 2024/25 academic year starts on Thursday, September 5, 2024 and lasts until Thursday, September 12, 2024.


dear UMCS students and doctoral students!

III round of applying for accommodation in UMCS student residence halls
for academic year 2024/2025

Applications for a place in a student residence hall for the 2024/2025 academic year can be submitted from September 5 to 12, 2024.

Applications can be submitted by persons who have been admitted to studies (1st year of first cycle, 1st year of second cycle, 1st year of long-cycle programmes, 1st  year of doctoral schools) for the academic year 2024/2025, as well as students and doctoral students who will continue their education at UMCS at the same level of education as in the academic year 2023/2024, and who did not apply in the I and II round of applications.

Applications for a place in a student residence hall can be submitted only via USOSweb.

First logging into the USOSweb: go to the website: Change the language of the page to English and select the "set new password" option. On the next screen, enter your e-mail address provided during recruitment. Shortly, you will receive an email with your login and a place to set a new password. If you do not see the message in your mailbox, check the SPAM and Notifications folders.

A detailed step-by-step guide is available below.

Paper applications will not be accepted.


  • September 5-12, 2024: submission of applications in the USOSweb system.
  • After September 16, 2024: Announcement of results via USOSweb.
  • By September 19, 2024: Students confirm the assigned places in USOSweb.
  • By September 23, 2024: Payment of the reservation fee/deposit (400 PLN; approx. 95 EUR)

We also inform that persons applying for a place due to special circumstances, i.e. persons with disabilities, single parents, student marriages, and individuals who have grown up in single-parent families due to the death of one or both parents – are required to upload a scanned document verifying their situation (disability certificate, child's birth certificate, marriage certificate, parent's death certificate) on screen 6 in the USOSweb system.

Individuals who are blind or have mobility impairments are required to indicate this fact in the justification of the application on screen 4 in the USOSweb. It will facilitate an appropriate selection of a place in the student residence hall. Detailed information about the living conditions in the UMCS Student Residence Halls can be found at:,15042.htm

Helios and Grześ residence halls are excluded from the application process for the 2024/2025 academic year.

For on-campus accommodation inquiries, please contact:

International Student Office:; tel. +48 81 537 29 26


the Office for Student Affairs:; tel. +48 81 533-86-27.


    Date of addition
    29 August 2024