
700th anniversary of Lublin: a documentary with international students

This year the city of Lublin celebrates the 700th anniversary of its incorporation as a city in 1317. Anniversary celebrations will be running throughout 2017.

Residents of Lublin are welcome to engage in various celebratory events marking the jubilee of the city. Within the project “Multicultural Lublin” international students are encouraged to feature in a film portraying the city’s cultural diversity. The documentary lasting 30-45 minutes will be produced by three volunteers from European Voluntary Service who, in order to implement the project, relocated to Lublin form Ukraine. The project is supervised by the Foundation for the Spiritual Culture of the Borderland (Fundacja Kultury Duchowej Pogranicza).

Students interested in taking part in the documentary can register online by March 1st, 2017 on the project’s website:

Documentary filming starts in March.


    Ewa Zdunek
    Date of addition
    21 February 2017